May God have mercy on him and be pleased with him. He witnessed the shaykh al-Shadhili conducting to the Garden a large crowd of people. It contain al ism al azam the greatest name of allah. Allhamduliallahhi rabbil alameen ar rahman nirraheem. For example if its 3 days, one you doing, you will read times hizbul bahr per day, for 3 day which add to Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen Wazifa. So we tied up to the bank of the Nile at an uninhabited spot. We remained there about a week within sight of the hills of Cairo. Hizbul Bahr Arabic-English-Translit – PDF Drive

He was told, “You are not of them until you enter their religion: If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city. My master, Madi, related, according to a report from the shaykh, The Christian became one of the great saints of God. Secret of surah baqarah is in letter alif, alaam, meen, So when you reading ha meem seven times, hhizbul are getting the power and secret of seven surah. Visitors Popular keywords for quranicwazifa.

Then the wind shifted so that we were sailing into it. Maliki youmadeen iyyakanabudu waiyyaka nastaeen. Hizbul bahr should be read times, in 3 days or 12 day.

Imam Shadhili said about the Hizbul Bahr: By Allah, I did not utter it except as it came from the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Hizbul Bahr was orally transmitted by our, Shaykh ali abul hasan ash shadhuli, may allah sanctify his secret, who received it in a veridical dream under the direct.