It DOES have to decelerate and accelerate when switching speeds. Its up to the acceleration curve of your setup. I would really appreciate your knowledge. Lastly at what metal thickness’s would you start to use these type of rules, thin metal or thick metal and what settings. Is it the normal thing for it to do this? So have I missed something that is causing these apparent pauses?

Now I know the computer is not the fastest but it does seem to deal OK, I have CV switched and on looking ahead 50 lines, I have also tried with Plasma Mode on and off, I have made sure that within Mach3 general config the setting for 'stop CV for angles > is switched off, as the idea I would assume is to use the rules instead. Now I am only cutting thin metal 1.5 mm so probably need very little, but some the cutting rule will slow down the feed rate to 80% going into a sharp corner and speed up going out etc, but what I am seeing when cutting is what looks like a pause as mach3 changes feed-rates during the cut, almost like it decelerates and then speeds up again when changing feed-rate. I have put a few cutting rules in Sheetcam just to see the effects it has when cutting. I am learning as I go trying to pick up things the best I can. I have a complete home made system, done very cost effective, but is a small machine. As I am not sure where this should go for the time being I will leave in the general section and a mod could move it to the correct section if it goes one way or the other.